The weekend before last, Saab enthusiasts in Poland had the great pleasure of participating in a real small “Wine Rally” called “Saab & Wine 2021” organized by Saab&Wine team made up of Aleksandra Jurga-Więckowska and Waldemar Więckowski, and the website dedicated to wine and winemakers – was media partner of the event.
Debuting wine lovers, but certainly not debutants in terms of meeting and sharing passions (strats towards Swedish cars), Saab enthusiasts visited the gentle hills of the Małopolska Vistula gorge on 25 September. Surrounded by vines, they enjoyed delicious local wines, and their souls and eyes with a view of the beautiful and extraordinary Swedish machines.

For the first and, hopefully not the last, meeting of Saab & Wine, motoring enthusiasts chose Winnice Kazimierskie Wzgórza, where the Bogusia and Marek Rakowie welcomed them with a twinkle in their eyes and a camera in hand. Saab lovers and wine lovers visited the vineyard, tasted the wines, ate delicious cheeses from the nearby Milky Way and took hundreds of photos.
Stuffed with smoked trout and bonfire sausage, they inspected the cars, their upgrades, looked under the hood and lightly kicked the tire. Passionate Saabers will never miss an opportunity to talk about their beloved machines. They continued their journey towards the Las Stocki Winnica where Beata and Mariusz Grabka were waiting impatiently for them.
Hosted in a family atmosphere, with the obligatory glass of the exquisite Febe in their hand, they listened with bated breath to the stories about the beginnings of the vineyard and the hard work associated with working with the vine.

The last stop of the Saabish epic that day was Winnica Mickiewicz. The oldest vineyard in the region, at the helm of which from the beginning has been Mr. Maciej Mickiewicz – an outstanding specialist, expert in the art of wine, largely self-taught. Mickiewicz Vineyard is a place where nothing is left to chance – Mr. Maciej manages the collection, production and distribution with a calm and hard hand.
Nourished with noble drinks, saturated with the beauty of nature and breathtaking views, the participants of Saab & Wine 2021 went home planning to participate in the next edition of the wine expedition.
This time, a different route of Polish wine – the Saab & Wine team will soon set off on a tour in search of vineyards that will gladly welcome lovers of the most beautiful cars that have ever been created. Saabs, of course!

Similar wine expeditions have already been organized in Portugal, Italy and Greece, expeditions that unite lovers of the divine drink – wine, and extraordinary cars – Saab’s. Saab & Wine Team are currently working on Saab&Wine rally for 2022. Stay tuned for details that will follow soon. This weekend they will travel to another wine region in Poland, to check posible locations for spring edition of Saab & Wine Event,