Magnus Gens Master’s Thesis ( in Vehicle Engineering) project was initiated in 1994 and sponsored by Skyltfonden of the Swedish Road Administration, and thesis was successfully defended in 2001. In certain areas of our planet there are big wild animals. One big species is the moose (called elk in certain regions). Scandinavia has a very large moose population and car-moose collision is a huge problem with many fatal outcomes.
In order to reduce the number of injuries caused by passenger cars colliding with moose a valid and repeatable method to arrange staged accidents is needed. A moose dummy was constructed after thorough research work. By supplying the car industry with an easy-to-use and easily maintained moose crash test dummy it may be possible to influence the safety research and development teams throughout the world to focus on this type of problems.

At an early stage of the project two Swedish car manufacturers were contacted. Both were asked if they would be interested in taking part in this moose project. It was important to get the car industry involved in order to get access to their experience and information on their needs. It was also important to get hold of crash-test cars.
The project proceeded in a very successful collaboration with Saab in Trollhättan.

The crash safety division at Saab was visited twice. They have contributed with information from their accident database and expertise. The crash test experts criticized the scaled model in a constructive way providing with their aspects as actual potential users. They also decided to supply two Saab 9-5 for crash testing purposes.
This interesting master’s thesis can be found on site VTI – Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
The way to avoid being hurt by a moose is to drive a fast, low car. Ferrari convertible for example. You drive under the elk and it’ll hang in the air long enough if you drive fast enough – 120mph or more. :)
I will vouch that the 900ng handles moose and big elk with relative ease. I repaired every car that came to me with those hits. The worst was a moose antler that peeled the dashboard back, so that had to be replaced.
Sad bag rattet af denne , da den fløj ud på marken med en campingvogn på krogen. Eneste skade jeg pådrog mig var at jeg 14 dage efter kunne mærke at jeg havde haft sikkerhedssele på.
Bra grejer denna där Saaben
Typical saab testing far beyond the standard requirements and in a saab you are protected by engineering excellence
During the presentation of Saab 900 ng one representant from, i think Netherlands, kollide with a moose. The moose died but the persons in the car was unhurted. The representant even got a couple kilos of moosemeat to take home.
I remember the first time I heard about the moose test, I loved saab before, but this just made the love sooo much stronger ❤️ 💪
Moose Crash is tested for most cars over the years, not a SAAB thing. They test moose crash and moose avsive maneouver, Sharp double turn at high speed with loaded car to see if it flips. Mercedes A-Class got famous for failing spectacularly.
TO Bjørnar Leonard Hatløy
WRONG. An evasive test by the magazine “Teknikens värld” was/is called the elk test but testing for moose crash wasn’t done by any car manufacturer except by Saab. Crash tests are expensive and the standard is set by Euro NCAP. They don’t do elk crash in their tests so there is no reason for car manufacturers to perform them too.
it started here in Sweden loooong before others did. That’s why it called elk manouver. Try to match a SAAB/Volvo in a moose crash with another car during the 80’s. You will not find it!!