This was The Secret Husqvarna Automobile Project…
Not very many people of today know about the Husqvarna automobile project during the first years of the 1940´s. However, some leading Husqvarna employes speculated in a Post World War market. Secret discussions took place between the head of the Development Department, the engineer Bengt Magnusson, the supervisor Birger Johansson who also later became the test driver, the engine design manager Carl Heimdal and, vice president Stig Tham, also an engineer and a son of the Husqvarna CEO, Gustav Tham.

In 1942 after different experiments a model was finished, equipped with a small 500 cc two-stroke DKW engine of approximately 20 hp. The maximum speed was 80 km/h. Sixten Sason who was already involved in the company, was hired for the automobile design and had certain ideas of the shape, which led to what we see in these pictures; a three wheeler with a round, soft, smooth design. In addition to this, the roof was lifted off when sit in the car and measures were fit to one of the company´s freight elevators. The bumpers were also removable for the same reason.

Test driving began in 1943 and since gas was a rare commodity in times of war, the fuel was a mix between motyl and castor-oil. However, the model never came into production, since there were no resources. Producing automobiles would have taken too much space and energy from existing production and development. The CEO decided to close the project in 1944.
Finally, since Sixten Sason was later hired by SAAB, another famous Swedish company, a similar design was eventually applied on the first SAAB prototypes around 1946-47.

where is this vehicle, which museum is it in?