Search Results for: Saab girl

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SAAB Galleries

Saab 99 and beautiful girl

I do recommend you check out the link above and the beautiful photos on Flickr. Its Final session with Saab - just before sell, Owner was a talented photographer  Aleksander Zajczyk from...

Saab 99 Against the Arctic Backdrop: Axel Roks' Adventure to the Polar Circle (Photo Axel Roks)
My Saab

A Frosty Odyssey: Axel Roks’ Saab 99 Journey to the Arctic Circle

Axel Roks' incredible journey to the Arctic Circle in his 1983 Saab 99. Experience the challenges, beauty, and thrill of a winter road trip through Norway's icy landscapes, all the way to the mesmerizing Northern Lights. Discover how this classic Saab withstands extreme conditions, proving its timeless durability and the enduring legacy of the Saab brand. A tale of adventure, resilience, and automotive passion awaits!

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